Analytical Exposition Text

Why Must Obey The School Regulation?
The school regulation are things that must be obeyed by all the students. For example by means of wearing a uniform with a neat and complete, shoes and uniforms that have beem determined by the school. Respectful and courteous to all teachers in the school environment. And always maintain the cleanliness of the school, and also perform all obligations as a student.
First, if we always obey school rules we make school more regulary and will make our school regulary. Would be the best school for students who are very good adherence to school rules. And make students disciplined, inteligent and able to understand what it means schools also make the knowledge gained more useful.
Secondly, if all student can studying become discipline. So teach students to think smarter in the future. And not lazing in and access a difficult thing for him doing so he always enjoy in his work.
Thirdly, for our school and obey all school rules we not exposed to violatioms. Therefore, er must always comply with existing regulations, lest we violate it in order not to get a separatr point from school or poor record as long as we learn in school is. And keep yourself to keep discipline in any case whatsoever if at school.
With school regulation, our school become orderly. The students will study with disciplin, and the important. One is there is no violation in our school.

Why the ladies bathroom at school sometimes using by man student?

    Bathroom is the one of facilities in the school.Mostly the students often go to bathroom,specially in the cool weather.the bathroom defided for woman students and for man students. However its defided but some of the man stydents sometimes break the rules with using the woman bathroom and abuse of functionality the bathroom like avoid the lesson,for smoke and etc.
     The woman bathroom familiar with the clen conditions.cleaness bathroom can make the user cozy  to using that. Mostly the man students use the woman bathroom because rhe cleaness of woman bathroom.
     Beside it,the woman bathroom had a good smell. Different with the man bathroom's.often the man bathroom had a bad smell and make the user not confortable to using that.
      More over, the woman bathroom usually available more many than the man bathrooms. The benefit woman bathroom's make the user not have to queued to using that.
      The woman bathroom's has many benefits. We can being so confortable to using woman bathrooms because the cleaness, the smell and every condition in the woman bathrooms.

The Class Is Too Dirty
      Most dirty classes because the students are less concerned. For example in our class. Many students aren't concern about cleanlines. Maybe from its habitual action that make him careless about cleanlines. Especially their parents who don't give education about cleanlines.
     Firstly, the student lazy to clean the class because they don't have a habit to be clean. Especially with the dirty, the dirty class also can make them not comfortable to lesson and they can't accept the lesson.
     Secondly, the influence of empty class can make the class so dirty. Because there is no student that care with the class. Especially from the teacher, if the teacher careless with the student, the student also carelesa aboit anything.
     Thirdly, discipline from now will give us provit for the future. It also can make all the place clean becausr a good habit about cleanlines give benefit for now and forever.
     That way the student must have good habit. And try to clean the class eventhough the attention for the teacher is less. That why the class must be cleaned.


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RPP Bahasa Inggris Future Tense Kurikulum 2013

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